
Release Global community

We set up the new community on LINKEDIN.
It is not a just community.

It will be an era in which individuals can be active without having to take the form of corporations, and truly globalization is required,
If people with high ambitions gather, we believe that great strength will be born.

I think that many innovations will be created by actively interacting with diverse members.

I would like to create many projects that will change the future with such members.

People who can make innovation know the importance of people.
I also know that it is important to act.
If we do not take action, new things will not start.
From such a thought, we set up a community with the following group name.

The members consists of Japanese, American, European , Asian and Australian etc.

Altruistic Action with Compassion (AAC)

If you wish to participate please contact us.
No membership fees will be incurred in joining the group.
