

上級ビジネスEメール・ライティングコース ~無料トライアル受付中~




  • 課題は受講期間内であれば何度でもご提出いただけます。
  • 詳細なフィードバックにより、場面に応じた適切な表現や、ネイティブにとって自然で気の利いた言い回しなどを学ぶことができます。
  • 講師に納得いくまで何度でもご質問いただけます。講師との英語でのやり取りが、英文作成能力の更なる向上につながります。
  • 既成の課題が実際の業務の場面に合わない場合、ご自身で場面設定するなど、実践に即したコースのカスタマイズが可能です。
Dear Mr Tom,

I would like to enquire about getting/gaining permission to sell/display/offer/show some of your company’s products. We would be interested in your products for babies and children.

We are running an English school and café. Our students, children and babies and their parents, come to our school every week and most of them have a break after their lesson or parents are waiting for their children during a lesson.

Would it possible to act as one of your agents and provide your some of your toys as a sample at my café? Almost all the moms including me want their children to try a toy before buying it because even babies have take a fancy to certain toys. I think it will be benefit beneficial that displayed to display your products and providing to provide a sample at my cafe is one of your publicity and help publicize your products.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your time and attention.


Managing director,

Happy English School

P:123 456 789

E: 11111111@happy-english.com

Dear Kozue,

Thanks for submitting the Week 4 email task. You have presented a great business email and have used English really well. I was able to understand everything you were saying even though you have a couple of grammatical constructions wrong. Well done.

Here are some suggestions and explanations to help you improve your English even further:

•When we talk about asking someone for “permission”, we either “get permission” or “ask permission” or “gain permission” or “request permission” (or similar) for something. We often follow the noun “permission” with a to + infinitive form of the verb that follows (eg: to watch, to hear, to see, to borrow, to hire etc) See these examples:

“She asked her father for permission to watch the film.”

“Do you have permission to distribute those brochures?”

“I wish my mother would give me permission to go to the concert.”

She requested permission from her boss” (the “to + infinitive” verb is implied. She asked permission “to leave” or “to go on holiday” or “to take a break” etc)

•If someone is “waiting”, they usually wait “for” someone or something. See these examples:

“We were waiting for the taxi to come before saying goodbye.” (Not … waited the taxi to come….)

“They waited for their children to finish their lesson.” (Not …. waited their children …)

•“a sample” — we use the indefinite article (a/an) to refer to a non-specific or non-particular member of the group. For example, “I would like to go see a movie.” Here, we’re not talking about a specific movie. We’re talking about any movie. There are many movies, and I want to see any movie. I don’t have a specific one in mind. In your sentence, you are not talking about a specific product to sample; just any of the company’s products suitable for babies.

•“to take a fancy to” – this is an idiomatic phrase that we use to say that someone has developed a fondness or preference for something or that someone likes something very much.

“I have never taken a fancy to cooked carrots.”

“John took a fancy to Yuki at the picnic last year.”

•“Benefit” is the noun but you needed “beneficial” which is the adjective as you were using this word to describe your proposal – “it would be a beneficial proposal.”

•In your sentence I think it will be benefit beneficial that displayed to display your products and providing to provide a sample at my cafe we need to show the reason why you think it will be beneficial and you need to make it clear what “it” refers to. Therefore, we use the to + infinitive verb form. Sometimes the to + infinitive gives a reason for the adjective. Other adjectives that use the to + infinitive form are: disappointed, glad, sad, happy, anxious, pleased, surprised, proud, unhappy:

We were happy to come to the end of our journey

(We were happy because we had come to the end of our journey.)

I think it will be beneficial to display your product and help publicize it.
(It will be beneficial because it will help publicize the product.)
John was surprised to see me

(He was surprised because he saw me.)

Kozue, I hope this has helped you. Please let me know if you have any further questions. You are doing really well and I look forward to your next task.

Best wishes,



フィードバック例1 [PDF]
フィードバック例2 [PDF]


(石村 梢様)今回Eメール・ライティングに挑戦したことで『英語で文章を書く』ことに対する苦手意識が薄れてきました。自分なりの工夫として、課題のEメールの宛名を実在する友人の名前にすることで、より現実的に捉えられ積極的に取り組めました。


コース 受講料 標準学習期間 受講スタート 受講定員 申込み
4か月 毎月1日 毎月15名 申込み
無料 1か月 お申込後すぐ 少数限定 申込み


  • お申し込み画面に必要事項をご入力ください。お申し込みはこちら
  • お支払い手続き完了後48時間以内に、受付完了のEメールをお送りします。
  • 毎月25日までのお申し込みは翌月1日開講、26日以降のお申し込みは翌々月1日開講となります。但し、お申し込みが定員(毎月15名)を超えた場合は、受講開始をお待ちいただくことがございます。その場合は別途ご連絡させていただきます。


  • 開講日に12回分の教材・課題をEメールにて一括送付いたします(開講日前にお送りする場合もございます)。
  • 受講期間内(4ヶ月間)に各課題について英文Eメールを作成・提出いただきます。ご提出の順序やスケジュールはお客様にお任せしておりますので、お仕事のご都合などに合わせて学習計画を立ててください。
  • ご提出から1週間以内に講師がフィードバックをお返しします。
  • 講師へのご質問、課題の再提出は、受講期間内であれば何度でもしていただけます。
  • 講師とのやり取りはすべて英語でおこなっていただきます(事務局宛のお問合せ・ご連絡は日本語で結構です)。
  • 講師とのやり取りを含め、繰り返しアウトプットすることで学習効果が高まります。
自己紹介 問い合わせ
リクエスト アポイントの確認
面会後のフォロー お礼
謝罪 お断り
支払い済みのお知らせ 同僚へのアドバイス
プロジェクトの委任 自由課題(ご希望のシチュエーション)

